Trademark Registration
Give an identity to your business! Grow & protect your brand through Trademark Registration

What is a Trademark?
Trademark is the legal protection for anything which gives unique identity to product or service, it includes protection of word, label, device, shape of goods, logo.
Trademark is an intellectual property. By getting the
Online Trademark Registration in Gujarat
, the owner of the Trademark gets the legal protection against someone who is trying to copy the brand in some or other way. Hence the registered owner will get the right to sue against the wrong doer.
Trademark Application is the first step forward towards the
Trademark Registration online
, after which every application needs to pass through some of the stages like Formality check pass/fail, Examination report, Hearing, Opposition and then the final stage of Registration which is valid for 10 years.
Trademark Registration Company
can help you with the complete process to register the brand and logo of your company.
The Trademark comes under the jurisdiction of Controller General of Patents Design and Trade Marks.
Register your brand and logo
registered by the
Trademark Registration Consultants
Lets go for the Trademark Registration
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Plans of Trademark Registration
- TM Application for Individual/Sole Proprietor
- Drafting of documents
- TM Application for Small Enterprises
- Drafting of documents
- MSME Registration
- TM Application for other than Individual/Sole Proprietor/Small Enterprises
- Drafting of documents
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Simple solutions for Trademark Registration
Benefits of Trademark Registration
Creates Goodwill
The Goodwill is the most important value addition that comes with the Trademark. Goodwill is the asset that takes many years to build up, now a days it is very important to retain the client base, and Trademark helps to do so easily.
Creates Unique Identity
The brand name establishes the identity of the Particular Brand, and thus it can stand as unique name those from others.
It helps to differentiate the product or service those from the others hence, it helps to create the unique identity.
Use of the symbol “TM” or ®
The Trademark gives you the right to use the symbol “TM” or “®” .
Once the Trademark Application is filed with the Registrar, one can use “TM” with the brand name, it signifies the third parties and public at large that the Trademark Application is made and it is under process.
Whereas use of symbol “®” is allowed once the Brand name gets registered.
Thus, the usage of symbol helps to know and disseminate the information on the Trademark status.
Intellectual Property
The Trademark is an intellectual Property; hence it gives not only the benefit of unique identity but also becomes an asset to the owner which is the most valuable. The TM can also be assigned and sold.
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Trademark Registration

There are total 45 classes in trademark divided in goods and services, and based on the business of the Applicant the appropriate class needs to be chosen.
It is very important to choose the appropriate class; otherwise the Application may get rejected.
There is no specific time duration for the registration of the Trademark, as there various stages through which the trademark needs to pass. Each and every brand name takes different time hence it is not comparable. Trademark Registration Consultants can explain you the process and the stages a trademark registration needs to pass.
The Trademark availability and uniqueness of the brand name decides the chances of getting the brand name, hence there is no guarantee for any brand name.
We at Wisefilings, helps you to find out the appropriate class for the Trademark Application.
Once the trademark is applied and once it clears the stage of “Formality check pass”, it gets examined under the stage “Marked for Exam”, in that examiner can raise the objection under applicable section if any, and the reply of the same objection need to be filed within 30 days of receipt of the same.
The Trademark can be applied only for word, or only for logo or any device, hence it is not necessary to have a logo for the Trademark Application.
Once the Trademark is successfully registered, then the validity of the same is for 10 years from the date of Application, afterwards it needs to be renewed before the expiry period.
Yes, you can avail the protection of a brand whole India through Trademark Registration.
Once the Trademark Application is made, you can start using “TM” with the brand name.
You can use “R” mark once the trademark is successfully registered with the Controller General of Patents Design and Trade Marks.
No, trademark registration is not mandatory, but to avoid the duplication of your brand name, it is advisable to get the trademark registration in Mumbai or any other city you live in.
It may take one or two years to get trademark registers in Delhi, Bangalore, or Ahmedabad.
Visit WiseFilings website and get every detail online for trademark registration in Ahmedabad. We also help you with the trademark registration in Bangalore and other metro cities.
Having registered a trademark will guarantee the quality and identifies the goods or services of its origin. It also helps in marketing and advertising the product under your name.
Every proprietor who needs to trademark his products can apply for TM registration online. WiseFilings can help you with trademark registration.
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