Changes in DIN database

For Change in personal information of director or partner

Changes in DIN database

Know more about Changes in DIN Database

The basic requirement to become a Director in the Company is DIN (Director Identification Number). DIN is a unique PAN -based number that is linked with an Individual. Anyone who wishes to be a part of the Company as Director/Designated Partner in LLP needs to have DIN.

Director Identification Number never expires; it is valid for a lifetime though it requires a compliance every year that is KYC.

One may need to apply for changes in the database of DIN, which is possible through online filing.

Reasons for a change in din database

  • Changes in Name in PAN Card
  • Changes in Present or Permanent Address
  • Changes in Email ID/Number
  • Changes in Residential Status
  • Changes in Nationality

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  • Filing of Form DIR – 6
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Required Documents for Changes in DIN database

Documents required for a change in DIN database

  • Updated PAN card
  • Updated Address Proof (Aadhar card/Driving License/Passport/Voter ID )
  • Passport size Photograph


  • Collection of information and documents
  • Drafting of necessary documents
  • Filing of form with MCA
  • Approval from MCA

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Changes in DIN database


Yes, it is mandatory to inform MCA if there is any change in the personal information of the DIN holder.

The following information must be updated in DIN database

  • Name
  • Father’s name
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Income tax PAN
  • Email id
  • Mobile number
  • Permanent/Present residential address
  • Residential status
  • Passport/Driving license/Aadhaar number

There are no government fees for form DIR-6.

The form for changes in DIN must be filed within 30 days of change in information.

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